Founded in 1970, Cornerstones, Inc. (CS) is a human services nonprofit organization serving northwest Fairfax County, including Reston, Herndon, Centreville, Chantilly and the Towns of Herndon and Vienna. Cornerstones promotes self-sufficiency by providing direct service programs support, a wide scope of quality referrals and advocacy for those in need of food, shelter, affordable housing, quality childcare and other human services. Cornerstones and its subsidiary, Cornerstones Housing Corporation (CHC), have addressed the need for affordable housing and housing support services for homeless, and low- and moderate-income working families and individuals for more than 44 years, with a proven record of success. CHC affordable housing stock is comprised at 53 scattered site townhomes and condos and a 48-unit garden style tax credit community in North Reston. CS/CHC continues to work to develop partnerships with private and public affordable housing organizations, including Fairfax County, to fulfill its housing mission
Cornerstones, Inc.
11150 Sunset Hills Road, Suite 210
Reston, VA 20190
Michael Scheurer, Vice President, Housing and Community Development