The Design Team is a small group of connectors, visionaries, and subject matter experts who support and guide our work to operationalize racial equity. HAND has curated this group of industry leaders who have been integral in shaping this work over the last several years. We are committed to working with the Design Team, HAND members and our greater network to translate ideas into action for a more equitable region.
In 2022, HAND members, allies, and partners participated in our four-part racial equity learning series titled Racism Can’t Live Here. With a cohort of 100 individuals, the series centered on building equity in access to housing by guiding participants in finding innovative and consistent solutions that can help tear down and redevelop divisive strategies and programs. The tool kit, which includes learnings from this year’s series, is a resource guide designed to assist anyone interested in creating an anti-racist region. We are proud of this year’s series. We want to thank our facilitators (Crystal Walker & Rachel Adams) for enhancing each session by leading engaging group discussions; our slate of expert speakers (United Way of Central Maryland’s 30/30 Experience, Dr. Lawrence Brown, Dr. Angie Luvara & Jeff Chang) for their thought-provoking sessions; and the program sponsor Wells Fargo for their support in actualizing this vital work!
During our fourth and final session, “We Gon’ Be Alright – Race and Resegregation in Today’s America,” we grappled with thoughts on how our communities can heal with the featured speaker and author, Jeff Chang. Building from those reflections, participants drilled down on plans of disrupting racism and inequities within housing.
If this series has shown us anything, it’s that continuing education and convening for HAND members and partners will be critical for addressing racial disparities in the Capital region. Continued racial injustices, the disproportionate impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic, and escalating police brutality call us to recognize that these dynamics are not new, and will take incredible time, energy, and resources to repair. We intend to continue our work on this topic through a variety of initiatives.
Missed the Spring 2022 series?
Check out our toolkit summarizing the learnings regardless of where you are in your racial equity journey!
Keep up with the latest on racial equity in our region!
If you’re not already receiving HAND’s Racial Equity Fast Five e-blast, you can sign up here.