Eichner Norris & Neumann PLLC
Eichner Norris & Neumann PLLC is a Washington, D.C. law firm of eight attorneys (three partners, three associates, one of counsel and one contract attorney) and two financial analyst/paralegals specializing in all aspects of tax-exempt municipal bond finance and in certain types of taxable structured debt financing transactions. Attorneys at Eichner Norris & Neumann PLLC have a combined total of over 100 years’ experience serving as counsel on a wide range of municipal bond financings. These financings have involved over 3,000 separate transactions over the past 35 years aggregating many billions of dollars in principal amount in virtually every state in the United States.
Eichner Norris & Neumann PLLC
1225 19th Street, NW Suite 750
Washington, DC 20036
Kent Neumann