Trainings & Member Meetings

You Asked… & We Listened! HAND members, thank you for the feedback you provided through our member meeting and training survey. HAND’s program committee heard your requests, and we’re excited to launch another year of quality sessions designed to build the capacity of your organizations and staff. Please note, detailed descriptions and registration information will be updated on this page as sessions are finalized. This ensures that each session will include timely topics and expert presenters.
Many thanks to HAND’s
FY13 Sponsors, who offset the costs of HAND’s capacity building sessions. Events are free to current HAND members. For individuals who are not members of HAND, registration fees for each session are $25 or you can take advantage of our low-cost dues,
and join the organization to receive one of the many member benefits: Free training for you and your staff! If you have suggestions for topics to incorporate in HAND’s capacity building sessions, please email
Heather Raspberry.
Effective Construction Project Management
September 20, 2012
12:00 – 2:00 PM
7850 Walker Drive, Suite 400
Greenbelt, MD 20770
HAND is kicking off its FY13 Training and Member Meeting series with “Effective Construction Project Management.” This session will provide practitioners the opportunity to hone the skills necessary to work more efficiently and increase productivity on development projects. Participants will get an insider’s look into how to effectively manage the pre – construction process and key decision factors to consider when selecting a general contractor. Other topics on the agenda will include: Scheduling; Site Utilization; Budget Control Methods; and the Turnover Process. Lunch will be served.
Registration Fees:
This session is free to current HAND members; Non-Member Fee: $25
Many thanks to Bozzuto for sponsoring this session

Meeting Resources:
Construction Project Management Presentation
Site Utilization Schedule
Site Utilization Plan
Delivery Methods
Communications Action Network Launch
September 21, 2012
9:30 – 11 AM
1909 K Street NW, Washington, DC 20006
The Communications Action Network (CAN) was launched by the Housing Association of Nonprofit Developers, Northern Virginia Affordable Housing Alliance and the Coalition for Nonprofit Housing and Economic Development to develop and implement, a high-impact communications campaign advocating for affordable housing throughout the Washington, D.C. metropolitan region. The CAN network is engaging communications professionals from the region’s business and nonprofit sector and state and local governments to compile and communicate research and data, new developments and programs, and best practices. Participation is open to all individuals and organizations interested in highlighting the positive impact of housing affordability on the metropolitan region. For questions or to be added to the CAN distribution list, please email
Laura Nickle.
Many thanks to United Way of the National Capital Area for sponsoring the Communication Action Network!

2012 Governor’s Housing Conference
October 16, 2012
8 AM – 5 PM
Baltimore Hilton
401 West Pratt Street, Baltimore, MD 21201
Come visit HAND’s table at the annual Governor’s Housing Conference! The conference will provide an educational opportunity for leaders in the housing and community development field to come together and discuss solutions and opportunities for affordable homeownership and rental housing in Maryland.
Communications Action Network Meeting – Messaging Working Group
October 18, 2012
2:00 – 3:30 PM
1909 K Street NW, Washington, DC 20006
The Communications Action Network (CAN) was launched by the Housing Association of Nonprofit Developers, Northern Virginia Affordable Housing Alliance and the Coalition for Nonprofit Housing and Economic Development to develop and implement, a high-impact communications campaign advocating for affordable housing throughout the Washington, D.C. metropolitan region. The CAN network is engaging communications professionals from the region’s business and nonprofit sector and state and local governments to compile and communicate research and data, new developments and programs, and best practices. Participation is open to all individuals and organizations interested in highlighting the positive impact of housing affordability on the metropolitan region. For questions or to be added to the CAN distribution list, please email
Laura Nickle.
Many thanks to United Way of the National Capital Area for sponsoring the Communication Action Network!

Local Real Estate Trends & Market Conditions
October 25, 2012
Noon – 2 PM
DC Housing Finance Agency
815 Florida Avenue NW, Washington, D.C. 20001
Join HAND and CNHED for a joint membership meeting “Local Real Estate Trends and Market Conditions,” October 25 from 12-2 pm at the DC Housing Finance Agency, 815 Florida Avenue, NW, Washington, DC 20001. The metropolitan region is experiencing tremendous population growth, and as a result there is a need for conversation around the impact that growth will have on the need for housing and jobs. Dr. Lisa Sturtevant of George Mason University Center for Regional Analysis will kick off the meeting with a presentation on the current state of the Washington area economy; trends in regional housing market and affordability; and policy implications for local governments. The second half of the meeting will include a panel offering perspectives on affordable and market development, construction and design:
- Leslie Steen, Wesley Housing Development Corporation
- Brad Fennell, William C. Smith
- Steve Rubin, Harkins Builders
- Michael Wiencek, Wiencek + Associates Architects + Planners (Moderator)
HAND & CNHED Members, don’t miss your opportunity to gain valuable information and insights on the future of our industry. Lunch will be served. Register today!
Registration Fees:
This session is free to current HAND & CNHED members; Non-Member Fee: $25
Many thanks to BB&T for sponsoring this meeting!

Meeting Resources:
Washington Area Economy and Housing Market: Trends and Outlook
National Development Council’s Financing Your Renewable Energy Project
November 29 – 30, 2012
8:30 AM – 4 PM Each Day
Silver Spring Civic Center
8525 Fenton Street, Silver Spring, MD 20910
** Continuing Education Credits Available for This Session **
Congress has responded to the demand for viable financing options for renewable energy projects and put in place major instruments of national energy and environmental policy with the Renewable Energy Tax Credit (RETC), a grant in lieu of the RETC and a guaranteed loan program. What does all this mean to you? These programs will be an important community development resource and will have a major impact on the creation of green collar jobs, the transition from traditional energy sources to renewable energy technology, and the environment. Unlocking these programs and accessing the debt and equity necessary to get projects built in these challenging and changing times will be the course focus.
Specific topics include:
- Overview and in-depth coverage of federal programs
- Energy efficiency, carbon issues, policies and trends
- The players in today’s market — investors, lenders, utilities, integrators
- How states are promoting renewable energy and other available incentives
- Understanding the economics and financial returns for all parties
- Renewable energy technology — selecting the right energy system for you
- Structuring and negotiating debt, equity, PPAs and RECs
- Long-term benefits of going green
Registration Fees:
$100 – Members; $200 Non-Members
Many thanks to Wiencek + Associates Architects + Planners for sponsoring this training!

Communications Action Network Meeting
November 28, 2012
9:30 – 11 AM
1909 K Street NW, Washington, DC 20006
The Communications Action Network (CAN) was launched by the Housing Association of Nonprofit Developers, Northern Virginia Affordable Housing Alliance and the Coalition for Nonprofit Housing and Economic Development to develop and implement, a high-impact communications campaign advocating for affordable housing throughout the Washington, D.C. metropolitan region. The CAN network is engaging communications professionals from the region’s business and nonprofit sector and state and local governments to compile and communicate research and data, new developments and programs, and best practices. Participation is open to all individuals and organizations interested in highlighting the positive impact of housing affordability on the metropolitan region. For questions or to be added to the CAN distribution list, please email
Laura Nickle.
Many thanks to United Way of the National Capital Area for sponsoring the Communication Action Network!

HAND Holiday Mixer
December 13, 2012
6:00 – 8:00 PM
Bank of America Merrill Lynch
1501 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW, Penthouse, Washington, DC 20006
Many thanks to Bank of America Merrill Lynch for sponsoring the Holiday Mixer!

Communications Action Network Meeting
December 19, 2012
9:30 – 11 AM
1909 K Street NW, Washington, DC 20006
The Communications Action Network (CAN) was launched by the Housing Association of Nonprofit Developers, Northern Virginia Affordable Housing Alliance and the Coalition for Nonprofit Housing and Economic Development to develop and implement, a high-impact communications campaign advocating for affordable housing throughout the Washington, D.C. metropolitan region. The CAN network is engaging communications professionals from the region’s business and nonprofit sector and state and local governments to compile and communicate research and data, new developments and programs, and best practices. Participation is open to all individuals and organizations interested in highlighting the positive impact of housing affordability on the metropolitan region. For questions or to be added to the CAN distribution list, please email
Laura Nickle.
Many thanks to United Way of the National Capital Area for sponsoring the Communication Action Network!

Communications Action Network Meeting
January 23, 2013
10:00 AM – 11:30 PM
Meyer Foundation
1250 Connecticut Avenue NW Washington, DC 20036
The Communications Action Network (CAN) was launched by the Housing Association of Nonprofit Developers, Northern Virginia Affordable Housing Alliance and the Coalition for Nonprofit Housing and Economic Development to develop and implement, a high-impact communications campaign advocating for affordable housing throughout the Washington, D.C. metropolitan region. The CAN network is engaging communications professionals from the region’s business and nonprofit sector and state and local governments to compile and communicate research and data, new developments and programs, and best practices. Participation is open to all individuals and organizations interested in highlighting the positive impact of housing affordability on the metropolitan region. For questions or to be added to the CAN distribution list, please email
Laura Nickle.
Many thanks to United Way of the National Capital Area for sponsoring the Communication Action Network!

Tri-Regional Update: LIHTC & QAP
February 20, 2013
Noon – 3:15 PM
D.C. Housing Finance Agency
815 Florida Avenue NW Washington, DC 20001
Join us for one of HAND’s most popular training events of the year. Due to the ever-changing economy, there is always something to discuss at the Tax Credit Update and this year is no different. Come learn about preservation issues and opportunities and hear from experts in Maryland, Washington, D.C and Virginia on what to expect in 2013.
Preservation Issues Presentation
- Judy Crosby, Klein Hornig, LLP
- Erik T. Hoffman, Klein Hornig, LLP
- Buwa Binite, Dantes Partners
Allocating Agencies Panel
- Moderator: Maryann Dillon, Housing Initiative Partnership
- Jim Chandler, Virginia Housing Development Authority
- Oke Anyaegbunam, D.C. DHCD
- Pat Sylvester, MD DHCD
Syndicator Insights Panel
- Moderator: Alan Goldstein, AHC, Inc.
- Corine Sheridan, Boston Capital
- Steve Smith, Enterprise Community Investment
- Brian Flanagan, RBC Capital Markets
Many thanks to Dantes Partners and Hamel Builders for sponsoring this session!

Communications Action Network Meeting
The Communications Action Network (CAN) was launched by the Housing Association of Nonprofit Developers, Northern Virginia Affordable Housing Alliance and the Coalition for Nonprofit Housing and Economic Development to develop and implement, a high-impact communications campaign advocating for affordable housing throughout the Washington, D.C. metropolitan region. The CAN network is engaging communications professionals from the region’s business and nonprofit sector and state and local governments to compile and communicate research and data, new developments and programs, and best practices. Participation is open to all individuals and organizations interested in highlighting the positive impact of housing affordability on the metropolitan region. For questions or to be added to the CAN distribution list, please email
Laura Nickle.
Many thanks to United Way of the National Capital Area for sponsoring the Communication Action Network!

MARCH 2013
Using Tax Credits and Tax-Exempt Bonds
March 5, 2013
9:00 – 3 PM
4301 Wilson Boulevard, Arlington, VA 22203
Spend a day with HAND as it presents an intermediate practical guide to Tax Exempt Bonds, Low Income Housing Tax Credits and the ever changing and important world of Investment Partnership Agreements, the driving force in the deal. Margo Stern of Freddie Mac, Rick Slagle of Raymond James and Michael Scheurer of VHDA will tie all of this together for a wide range of skill levels to present current information on how it is done in today’s marketplace. Continental breakfast and lunch will be served.
Registration Fees:
This session is free to current HAND Members; Non-Member Fee: $25
Many thanks to VHDA and HSBC for sponsoring this session!

Communications Action Network Meeting
The Communications Action Network (CAN) was launched by the Housing Association of Nonprofit Developers, Northern Virginia Affordable Housing Alliance and the Coalition for Nonprofit Housing and Economic Development to develop and implement, a high-impact communications campaign advocating for affordable housing throughout the Washington, D.C. metropolitan region. The CAN network is engaging communications professionals from the region’s business and nonprofit sector and state and local governments to compile and communicate research and data, new developments and programs, and best practices. Participation is open to all individuals and organizations interested in highlighting the positive impact of housing affordability on the metropolitan region. For questions or to be added to the CAN distribution list, please email
Laura Nickle.
Many thanks to United Way of the National Capital Area for sponsoring the Communication Action Network!

APRIL 2013
Joint HAND, MAHC and ABCD Network Membership Meeting
April 9, 2013
8:30AM – 12PM
Silver Spring Civic Center
8525 Fenton Street Silver Spring, MD 20910
Federal Housing Policy & Programs:Funding Outlook in the Wake of Sequestration
Join Housing Association of Nonprofit Developers, Maryland Affordable Housing Coalition, Maryland ABCD Network and Affordable Housing Conference of Montgomery County for our joint membership meeting that will offer a briefing on federal housing policy and programs in the wake of pending budget cuts that could significantly impact the work being done on behalf of the affordable housing industry. The U.S. Department of Housing & Urban Development’s budget will be released the day before our meeting, and experts will be on hand to provide a detailed forecast on the budget and implications for sequestration. Other topics covered will include updates on the following programs: Low Income Housing Tax Credit; HOME Program; Community Development Block Grant; Rental Assistance Demonstration Program; Section 8 Renewal Issues and New HUD Policies to Encourage Multifamily Housing Preservation.
Don’t miss your opportunity to catch up with colleagues and get updates on programs critical to our industry’s success! Continental breakfast will be served. Please note this session is only open to members of HAND, MAHC, ABCD Network and AHCMC.
- Margaret Salazar, Acting Director, Office of Affordable Housing Preservation, U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development
- Peter Lawrence, Senior Director, Public Policy & Government Affairs, Enterprise Community Partners
- Steve Niles, Partner, Klein Hornig LLP
- John Murphy, Executive Director, National Association for County Community and Economic Development
Registration Fees:
This session is free to current HAND, MAHC, and ABCD Members
Many thanks to SunTrust and Klein Hornig for sponsoring this meeting!

Communications Action Network Meeting
The Communications Action Network (CAN) was launched by the Housing Association of Nonprofit Developers, Northern Virginia Affordable Housing Alliance and the Coalition for Nonprofit Housing and Economic Development to develop and implement, a high-impact communications campaign advocating for affordable housing throughout the Washington, D.C. metropolitan region. The CAN network is engaging communications professionals from the region’s business and nonprofit sector and state and local governments to compile and communicate research and data, new developments and programs, and best practices. Participation is open to all individuals and organizations interested in highlighting the positive impact of housing affordability on the metropolitan region. For questions or to be added to the CAN distribution list, please email
Laura Nickle.
Many thanks to United Way of the National Capital Area for sponsoring the Communication Action Network!

MAY 2013
Communications Action Network Meeting
The Communications Action Network (CAN) was launched by the Housing Association of Nonprofit Developers, Northern Virginia Affordable Housing Alliance and the Coalition for Nonprofit Housing and Economic Development to develop and implement, a high-impact communications campaign advocating for affordable housing throughout the Washington, D.C. metropolitan region. The CAN network is engaging communications professionals from the region’s business and nonprofit sector and state and local governments to compile and communicate research and data, new developments and programs, and best practices. Participation is open to all individuals and organizations interested in highlighting the positive impact of housing affordability on the metropolitan region. For questions or to be added to the CAN distribution list, please email
Laura Nickle.
Many thanks to United Way of the National Capital Area for sponsoring the Communication Action Network!

Successful Strategies to Getting Your Projects Funded
September 19, 2013
9:00AM – 12:00PM
Pepco Edison Place Gallery
702 8th Street Northwest
Washington, DC 20001
Join HAND for its September Member Meeting “Successful Strategies to Getting Your Projects Funded,” on September 19 from 9:00 AM – 12 PM at Pepco Edison Place Gallery (702 8th Street NW, Washington, DC). Given recent funding announcements in Washington, DC, Alexandria and Arlington, Fairfax, and Montgomery Counties, HAND members will benefit from hearing directly from Michael Kelly, Director, District’s Department of Housing & Community Development, Jalal Greene, Division Chief, Montgomery County Department of Housing & Community Affairs, David Cristeal, Housing Director, Arlington County Housing, Paula C. Sampson, Director, Fairfax County Department of Housing and Community Development, and Helen McIlvaine, Deputy Director, City of Alexandria Office of Housing about strategies our members can use to partner with their agencies.
Come out to hear funding updates from the District, Alexandria and Fairfax, Arlington, and Montgomery Counties as they reiterate their desire to do business with new and existing partners, and share factors (capacity/team, leveraging, etc.) that carry weight in the respective selection processes.
This session is free for HAND Members; $25 for Non-Members. Continental Breakfast Will Be Served.
Registration and networking will begin at 9:00 AM; Panel discussion will begin at 9:30 AM.
Many thanks to Wells Fargo for sponsoring this session!
